Blue Water Foundation website

Friday, Apr 5 18:00 - 22:30
This event is cancelled: crew unavailable
CANCELED: Night Certification Sail (Benjamin Walters)

Map link (click to see a map): 37°51'57.3"N 122°19'02.6"W (Berkeley Marina)
Description: Another storm coming in this Friday (March 29) night so we are moving this to April 5 and will hope for some improvement in the weather. This will be a night MOB drill...along with handling the other night certification skills so that those wanting to do night sails with students can qualify in a single night. Madi goes into the water. We have a chase boat. Bring your dinner and whatever night gear you use. Only day certified sailors should sign up...for now.
All crew and captains must follow BWF's Crew Interaction Guidelines
  • Boat: Benjamin Walters
    • First captain: Lee S
    • Second captain: Jim W
    • Crew: Hugh S, Maddie Z, Louis B

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