Blue Water Foundation website

Friday, Jan 17, 2025 08:30 - 15:30
Camp Sweeney Class Sail (Benjamin Walters)

Map link (click to see a map): 37°51'57.3"N 122°19'02.6"W (Berkeley Marina)
Program: Alameda Juvenile Probation
Description: Our first sail for this ten session class. Mentor mentee method, introduction to basic sailing. Advanced curriculum for returning students. If wish to mentor, please sign up for at least five of the ten classes (1/17;1/31;2/14;2/28;3/14;3/28 (night sail); 4/11;4/25;5/2; 5/18 (Sunday graduation)
All crew and captains must follow BWF's Crew Interaction Guidelines
  • Boat: Benjamin Walters
    • First captain: Lee S
    • Second captain: Richard P
    • Crew: Roger D, Scott B, Mari M
    • Non-certified: Kimberly C, Steven W

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