Blue Water Foundation website

Saturday, May 11 10:30 - 14:30
Double sail on Aleta & Benjamin Walters with PACT (Benjamin Walters, Aleta)

Map link (click to see a map): 37°51'57.3"N 122°19'02.6"W (Berkeley Marina)
Program: Community Group
Description: Our second year sailing with Pact; an adoption agency which provides lifelong education, support, and community for adoptees of color and the people who love them.
All crew and captains must follow BWF's Crew Interaction Guidelines
  • Boat: Benjamin Walters
    • First captain: Lee S
    • Second captain: Roger D
    • Crew: Jill B, Elena Joy P
    • Non-certified: Abby G
  • Boat: Aleta
    • First captain: Scott B
    • Second captain: Eric D
    • Crew: Les S, Daniel J, Marc G
    • Non-certified: Thor H, William F
  • Student-sailors aboard: 12

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